PlanGreen - a sustainable development reporting tool for SMEs is a pilot that allows small companies to easily and quickly get involved in carbon footprint calculation and can use interfaces to automate data calculation.
The company can share the carbon footprint results with its customers on its own website using a green icon when PlanGreen is activated.
Interested in Cooperation?
Tuottaako järjestelmänne kaukolämmön, jätteiden, kuljetusten tai liikematkojen osalta yritysdataa? Haemme kumppaneita PlanGreenin seuraavaan tuotekehitysvaiheeseen myöhemmin vuonna 2023.
Do you want to join us as a pilot company to test PlanGreen? We will announce the test possibility later in the fall.
You can share the results of your company's carbon footprint with your customers when PlanGreen is activated
With PlanGreen, a company can automate the calculation of electricity, district heating, waste, business trips and transport emissions and share its own carbon footprint on its own website.